Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It's exactly what happened. I bought a lot of Tokidoki Hello Kitty stuff... I couldn't help myself.. I think I spent about $500 in the past month on that... >.< OIY!! I need to stop... But they keep coming out with more and more cute stuff!! EEEEEEPPPPPPPPP!!!... At least it's something I love.. Right? ;D

Thursday, May 13, 2010

I Secretly Hate Myself.

I hate that every time I look in the mirror... I am disgusted with what I see. I nitpick at everything on my body...

Lets start from head down to my toes...

1.) My hair is thin and not long enough.
2.) I have huge dark spots under my eyes.
3.) I break out and I pick at them which causes my skin to scar.
4.) I wish my collar bones protruded more.
5.) My breasts are too small... 
6.) Not enough chest bones show.
7.) Ribs are not as pronounced as they were when I was 10lbs lighter.
8.) I have turkey arms.
9.) My hands are always dry and ugly.
10.) My finger nails are short, stubby and house coffee grinds underneath them.
11.) I have fat on my stomach.
12.) There's a pouch of fat around my side-back area... (weird.. I know)
13.) My back bones don't show as much as the curve at the base of my neck.
14.) My hipbones don't show enough.
15.) My thighs are HUGE.
16.) I have bruises all over my legs.
17.) My calves are pretty big too and lack muscle definition.
18.) My ankles are weak from spraining them when I was younger.
19.) My feet are small and don't get me any where.
20.) My pinky-toe nails is almost nonexistent.

I can keep going, but I just thought I'd highlight the things that almost always bother me when I look at myself naked.

*sighs* This war will never end.... -.-"

Busy Bee

I've been good lately. I've been keeping myself really busy with stuff around the house since I only work Monday through Thursday 5am-11am... I have tons of time to myself and I've been managing it pretty good.

Today, I've been cleaning since I got home. Still not quite done! >.<

I'll update in a little while.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Was Productive After Work For Once!!

Seriously... I washed my car again! Yay, I've been dying to actually... It's just we've been having some funky weather and it keeps raining whenever I actually feel like getting my lazy ass up to wash it. :P It's been exactly a month.. And since then there have been some nasty weather conditions that made my car look awful... I feel almost embarrassed when I drive a dirty car... Do you? o.O

Well I'm pooped. I hope I can sleep good later... *yawns*

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mirrors Lie

When I look at myself in the mirror, I'm not sure what to believe... Do I believe what I see or what the mirror is showing me? It's hard to tell if what I see is an illusion that my eating disorder is creating or if it's the truth. :(

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Good Morning :)

I get to wake up to the most wonderful man in the world.

He made me an espresso in the cutest little espresso cup set and told me he loves me.

He's the best.

I love him soo much :D

Friday, May 7, 2010

What A Nice Day :)

I'm off Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. I love it. Today is a really nice day, it's about 70ยบ out. :) I thought about washing my car but I think I'll hold off for just a little bit longer... It's barely been a month.. Just bugs the hell out of me to see dirt on my awesome Aqua car ;D Haha.

Going to my second cousins birthday party tomorrow in San Francisco and then afterwards I'm going to dinner for my mom's side of the family as a Mother's Day dinner. And Sunday is still unclear about what's going on... Mom hasn't decided what she wants to do for dinner. Hmm... I bet everywhere is going to be packed... Sucks, didn't make any reservations before hand.. :\

*stretches* Just came back from lunch with dad, treated him out to some awesome sushi for a late Fathers Day thingy... I'm going to enjoy the rest of the day, going to hangout with dad for a little bit more and then see Seth :D

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I seem to be hovering around 100lbs.. I guess that's okay.. I wish I was lighter... But my boyfriend keeps an eye on me... o.O (out of love of course)

Monday, May 3, 2010

I've been spending.... AGAIN!

I think someone needs to take all of my money away from me so i can't spend it... X.X

I'm not going broke or anything... I think I've been indulging a little bit :E

I just bought a couple of Tokidoki handbags:

I love it! I have the first one, just waiting on the second one to be shipped to my house in about a week!! ;D