Monday, September 20, 2010

Goodbye Summer

It's been a good deal of time since I last posted something...

The most dominant idea being tossed around in my head right now is about moving out. Seth and I have been discussing this for a little while now because of the horrible situation he is in at home. After going on vacation with him and being with him more, I find he's starting to stand his ground. I'm glad for him, he needs to step away from that awful dilemma at home.

We've been looking at apartments and housing. It's not something too far off of what he's doing now, it's just a matter of getting this whole process moving along. I hate to see this go on till Christmas. The longer it goes on for, the worse off everyone is. I'm really fighting for him and his freedom from his family's issues for good.

I know he's serious with me when he and I were looking at homes. I suggested at least two to three bedrooms and he replied back, "you know... In the future, when we have kids." I know that he's committed to me, I know I'm what he wants and is fighting for.. And this feeling is the most comforting feeling in the world. It makes me want to do anything and everything. He's my rock, he keeps me sane.

I'm really hoping this change happens soon, soon as in before the year ends. It'll be a great way to start 2011.